
Paso a Paso

Dance, Change & Woman

Tourner La Page

“To turn the page”

I saw on my way full of landscapes
With words I paint images
Out of my cage, climb one floor
Today I fly in the clouds

And I let life carry me,
And I let my pen carry me,
It’s not so easy to turn the page.

When this escapes me
And the past stalking me
I sigh and say “damaged”
I pause a moment, just for a song
And I caught the fickle weather

And I let life carry me,
And I let my pen wear
My joys and sorrows
And I let life carry me,
And I let my pen carry me,
I expect that voice that calls me

To forgive the dumb words
Time flows in the hourglass
To forget, do not bend,
I walk without knowing where I’m going.

I try to turn the page
I try to turn the page
I try to turn the page
I try to turn the page
To turn the page
I try to turn the page

Drunk as a poet, free like a seagull,
I accompany solitary off
In a rage ocean as rain or storm,
I place my ink and swim

And I let life carry me,
And I let my pen carry me,
It’s not so easy to turn the page

To those who listen to me and of themselves are hostages
I am writing to tell you “courage”.
To those who are listening to me even when I doubt
I sing I love you thank you when I loose

And I let life carry me,
And I let my pen wear
My joys and sorrows
And I let life carry me,
And I let my pen carry me,
I expect that voice that calls me

To forgive the dumb words
Time flows in the hourglass
To forget, do not bend,
I walk without knowing where I’m going.

I try to turn the page
I try to turn the page
I try to turn the page
I try to turn the page
I try to turn the page
To turn the page

I saw on my way full of landscapes
With words I paint images
I saw on my way full of landscapes
With words I paint faces
I saw on my way full of landscapes
With words I pay tribute.


Translated to English

Zaho – Tourner la page performed by Ivo Vieira and Shani Mayer

I hope you enjoy the song and the beautiful performance of this lovely couple. I’m lucky enough to get private lessons from them in a week!

I will be updating my dance Bio soon if you want to read what I have been dancing. Tango and Kizomba 😀

You’re Oblivious and I’m Delirious

You’re Oblivious…… You’re Coffee..
What should help me, makes me only crash harder
You say your strong, but its only what you have written .
You’re bitter and only sweet if input is given

Quick to scold if shown interest

Too frigid with delay.

Though I crave your bitter taste ,

It’s something that must be replaced

With something that has more grace

My addiction to you ends as I only need some rest
Dependency on you is my fault
Willpower is all that is needed for this to halt.

Maybe tea will be more forgiven or maybe I should
be a bit more driven..


“I promise you
I will try harder
to be better.
have battled with things
inside me
for longer than you know;
I do not know
what they are
or why they are there,
I only know
that they feel
when I
am around
― Tyler Knott Gregson

He reminds me of a modern Pablo Neruda.. I quite enjoy reading it….

Out of the 30 days only 24 days were complete. I have a 15 class pass I intend to use to do these “missing” classes..



When I missed them I felt guilty as I had done something shameful.. But then came the reasons why.. A friends car broke down, Spending extra time dancing, catching up with friends and family, work, and just running out of time on the weekends. Eventually that feeling faded, I accepted that everyday was not a possibility. I felt happy and relaxed knowing that Monday would be a day I could start fresh and prepared.


At first I was a bit in pain around my lower back and hamstrings. My shoulders over the years (of physical labour) have hunched forward a bit. It was/is a bit awkward to re-align my shoulders back but it is key to the binds and looking good in dancing ehe. My hamstrings felt fine after a few days but my lower back pain would always come back.. Once I realized the core was essential to many of the poses the lower back faded away in the next couple of days.

Conclusion on 30 Days(sorta) of yoga:

I feel comfortable and humbled on the later poses. From Marichyasana C (Binding posture) to Kukkutasana (lifting lotus through hands?) I feel like a fish out of water trying to breathe. aha. At first I thought my body couldn’t even move like that, but as I practiced more and realized it was just a matter of time before I could grasp my hands in a bind. Even my downward dog became more pronounced (shoulders back). My core became stronger making my postures longer and more intense.  It felt like starting all over again but in a good way.. In a new light.

Though I missed some classes I felt stronger doing Utthita Parsvasahita (standing leg hold to the side). I felt guilty but soon realized you can’t expect everything to go your way. Classes can’t be taught around one persons schedule. As long as the intention to commit is there, a missing day or two isn’t the end of the world.




Link to challenge updates: not exciting..

In Another Castle

She is here on this frozen tundra. This magical land they call Canada..
She has traveled across the seas and I across the lands to be here.

Or maybe she is my neighbor. We haven’t met yet
but I know I can bring a smile to this unknown face.

So I dance my dance everyday to catch her eye.
Maybe today Ill catch her eye..
More and more I learn to dance..

Maybe we sit across each other at a cafe.
I wave my hands and show her my magic.
I wave my hands around and knock over my tea.
I wave my hands up and say its part of the dance..
A smile will be my reward and the hope for a kiss

Problems vanish and mend themselves
I remember why I dance
Why I learn magic
Why I carry an extra napkin.

She is late and all I can do is dance
So I dance my dance everyday
Maybe today Ill catch her eye

Climax- Bachata






Written by Usher, Ariel Rechthaid, Redd Stylez, and Diplo.

Song by Usher.


Going nowhere fast. We’ve reached the climax.
Were together now we’re undone.
Won’t commit so we choose to run away.
Do we separate?
Don’t wanna give in so we both gave up.
Can’t take it back. It’s too late.
We’ve reached the climax, climax.

I’ve fallen somehow, feet off the ground
Love is the cloud that keeps raining down.
Where are you now? When I need you around
I’m on my knees but it seems we’re

Going nowhere fast. We’ve reached the climax.
Were together now we’re undone.
Won’t commit so we choose to run away.
Do we separate?
Don’t wanna give in so we both gave up.
Can’t take it back. It’s too late.
We’ve reached the climax, climax.

I gave my best, it wasn’t enough
You get upset, we argue too much
We made a mess of what used to be love.
So why do I care, I care at all, at all, at all, at all

Going nowhere fast. We’ve reached the climax.
Were together now we’re undone.
Won’t commit so we choose to run away.
Do we separate?
Don’t wanna give in so we both gave up.
Can’t take it back. It’s too late.
We’ve reached the climax, climax.

You say it’s better if we love each other separately.
I just need you one more time
I can’t get what we had off my mind,
Where are you now? When I need you around
I’m on my knees but it seems we’re…

Going nowhere fast. We’ve reached the climax.
Were together now we’re undone.
Won’t commit so we choose to run away.
Do we separate?
Don’t wanna give in so we both gave up.
Can’t take it back. It’s too late.
We’ve reached the climax, climax.

Ashtanga Yoga 30 Day Challenge

I have been doing Ashtanga for the last few days and typing it down on my Word. Thought I would put it here instead.. More of a drive to prove myself..

As usual Ill just update this post till the 30 Day mark is reached. Also if I miss one I will try to do two a day.. Hopefully one is a Yin class….


Day 1 Monday: Went to a class in the evening.  LED Class went great. Still have to work on those binds.

Day 2: Evening MySore Class.. Essentially you go there and go at your pace. Definitely needed the sheet for the primary series.

Day 3: Morning MySore Class.. Still was a bit stiff from the evening before. Had to do it in the morning since I had tango in the same time slot.. Went well. The teacher/helper said I had an excellent backbend . She helped a bit on the backbend to standing position.. A first for me.

Day 4 Thursday: Morning MySore. Class went great. Backbend to standing back to the backbend. 3x. .. Feel a bit stiff on my back.. It feels like I should always be sitting straight. Don’t mind it though..

Day 5: Led Primary Evening class.. I quite enjoyed it as she took her time going through all the moves .. and I was sore.. I still have to work on memorizing the moves..

Day 6: Did not go.. It conflicted with my dance schedule.. plus Im still sore from doing a “excerscise/Dance/tone” class  on Thursday. Will have to do two tomorrow or most likely Monday.

Day 7: Missed. Stayed relaxing and saw loved ones.. Regret nothing. Will have to make it up during the week or add more days to the challenge. Did surya namaskara a & b only in the morning.

Day 8: Evening LED. I came a bit late missed the first salutation .. Those binds are still out of my grip… Literally … eheh

Day 9 Tuesday: Morning LED. Still working on the bindings.. Came up a bit fast on the backward bend. Felt a pinch but it went away after. Have to take my time ..

Day 10: Self MySore Morning. Still working on the breathing and memorizing the moves..

Day 11: Self Mysore Morning. The binds always escape me.. I twist as much as i can.. my hands don’t want to wrap around. Also It seems evening classes feel better as my muscles are more loose by then.. I followed this video…

Day 12 Friday: MySore Evening. A bit sore but not too bad.. Friday classes are always more focused on breathing ..

Day 13 Saturday: Missed and sore.. Thursdays (for the next 4 more) always kill me because of a dance/tone /stretch class. On Saturday my muscles are sore.. Will add the missing (rest)days at the end and do extra yoga classes.

Day 14: MySore Afternoon. I feel I am getting better at the binds.. Getting my hands closer and closer..

Day 15: Evening LED. My down dog needs to be more refined.. I do it but without flexing.. have to get better .

Day 16: Daytime MySore. It’s interesting how small things distract you but with some breathing you focus better.

Day17:Late Night MySore. Downward dog was very easy to do. Maybe because I used my muscles all day.. My Lower Lumbar is a bit sore after.. Might be from all the years of carrying heavy objects.. I’ll try to flex more on the poses..

Day 18: Late Night MySore. Felt great.. I tried to adjust ( my postures) quicker and slower depending on my breathe. For most part I kept it at an even (4 counts) pace.

Day 19 Friday: Missed.. Thats 3 now…

Day 20: Missed.. 4now

Day 21: Late night Mysore. I felt more energetic since I have missed the last two days…

Day 22: My Sore Evening. I haven’t practiced around people in a while. It’s interesting to hear peoples breathing.. I personally like extending my breathes but taking short ones makes for quicker transitions and flow..

Day 23: My Sore Late. Definitely needed this. Was a bit stressful today and a little breathing goes a long way.. I am moving my shoulder blades more closer together to work the binds… It’s getting there…

Day 24: My Sore Morning. It was a beginner Yoga video I used as reference .. I didn’t mind as I was a bit tired from yesterday.. I really had energy for most of the day..   Here’s the link:

Day 25: MySore Morning. Feels good to do it in the morning..  I started flexing my abs more in most of the postures.. It feels much more easier to hold the poses. Specifically the binds…But I definitely have to wake up earlier..

Day 26 Friday: Missed ..5

Day 27: MySore. Used this as reference.. Only went up to the binds before The closing sequence..

Day 28: Missed ..6

Day 29 Monday: MySore evening. The teacher helped me with the binds. I can do them I just have to find a way to do them myself.. I felt better taking that day off. Much more stronger..

Day 30:Early Evening. My shoulders are a bit sore from yesterday.  Have to keep working on them so I can do better binds and have a better posture…


6 classes missed ..  So 6 I will keep going..

Smile Challenge Completion

My modem has been broken for the last week but here is the blog update on the challenges:

The jokes of the day helped her get through the day. She actually started sending corny jokes back and I ended up going out to events with her. Seems the ladies like a man with a sense of humor 😉 . More and more she opened up about everything.

At the time I was in a bit of a low place ending a relationship.. The jokes ended up cheering me also! So it was a pleasant surprise when she would send jokes and odd selfies back. ahaha. It wasn’t just the jokes that helped her, it was also empathizing with her. Opening up to someone.

I plan on doing this again in the future to another friend as it really makes someone feel good and cheers me up. It was definitely a fun “challenge”. Just making someone smile can change their way of thinking and perspective on how to treat other people. Sure they’re lame jokes, but just that you give the time of the day and make them laugh or even smile might be what de-stress they need.. It’s the little things really..


Link of the lame jokes:

Elephant Shoe Eyes

I’m not too good in expressing feelings.. Been raised to be a MAN ahaha! Tough and hold my thoughts and feelings in..

So this is new territory to open up to people. No show. Just more of the real me.. Just have to learn how to express myself more.

But Express myself I do……




She is greedy and oblvious .
Eyes that are lost in my own.
A look of hope and dreams.. Amor..
“Dangerous Look” I called it once upon a time.

Now I stare back with the same intention as hers
“Elephant Shoe Eyes ” I whisper.
The walls are up, in without effort she walks.

Her ever changing eyes swallow me.
Jade eyes transform to cinnamon .
A spell has been cast.
Something has awoken.

Effortlessly consumes my thought.
She pushes the others from the mind.

Now All I can do is think about our next dance, our embrace.


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