I still haven’t learned how to put this under the different categories..

I thought I would start today since I recently started going to yoga again.

It’s simple.. 30 Days… 30 minutes of headstands.. 1 full minute in the position.

Pushups will only be 10 slow full pushups.. A total of 300.
This is a simple challenge that should help my memory also.

I will be updating this same blog as not to put 30 different entries.

OCT 30

Day 1: Went right into as soon as I got out of the shower. Not naked aha. Felt fine. The pushup right after felt a little tough for some reason.

Day 2: I went up and immediately went down. My balance felt off.. Maybe it was the week catching up… Definitely felt humbled after.. added a Child’s pose after the pushups…ohhhh. .. Tomorrows another day..

Day 3: Still felt a bit awkward going up.. I can definitely feel my core working out.. Push-ups were nice and slow.. Might change it to triangle pushups.

Day 4: Longest minute of my life aha.. Felt good after.

Day 5 Monday: Nice and slow pushups at a 90 degrees and elbows in.. Today after the minute headstand I went into.. Upside down lotus for a few seconds. Felt natural to try it..ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

Day 6: Another great headstand and pushups..

Day 7 Wednesday: Every Wednesday I go to do Yoga at a studio. Do a headstand there and one at home. Following the pushups.. The pushups were surprisingly harder.. I almost forgot but luckily a friend reminded before midnight ๐Ÿ™‚

Day 8: Missed the headstands but did the pushups..will do 2minutes consecutive tomorrow.

Day 9: I missed the 2 minute mark and went 2:30mins. I was focused too much on the breathing.. interesting .. pushups were brutal today. Tried the triangle ..

Day 10: Got home sad but eager for the headstand.. It helped me think straight and the pushups made me focus more.

Day 11 Sunday: Almost lost my concentration.. farted a little ahah. Well That means I’m using my core. aha.. Pushups woke me up some more.. or maybe the tea kicking in.

Day 12: Something happened today.. I was in the zone.. I lost track of time and stayed there..ย  Slowly went into a backward bend.. Didn’t fight it. Eventually into the Wheel.. It was interesting to say the least..

Day 13: 2 minutes upside felt right. Scorpion to lotus and back .. Nice and slowly.. Started putting my hands close to triangle shape to do pushups.. ๐Ÿ™‚

Day 14: Did the headstand then tried to do the full Scorpion .ย  Knees came crashing down and cut it bad on my right.. It’s fine.. Tomorrow is another day..

Day 15: She keeps trying to distract me but all she does is make me try harder. Added the Scorpion against the wall. Still in a bit of pain from yesterday. Pushups did them extra slow and added one Salutation.. I’m content today… Oh and half way there.. ๐Ÿ˜€

Day 16: Did a headstand in front of the guys.. It was the only time I could do it..ย  They were impressed nonetheless .

Day 17 Saturday: It was a bit harder today as I have been out and about these past few days. Lots of dancing.. Headstand is a headstand..

Day 18: Did 2 headstands today. Felt great !

Day 19 & 20 : Funny how I do the headstands whenever I wake up so I don’t forget.. Yet I forget to blog it.. ahah! One step at a time I guess ahah

Day 21: Woke up , Got up, went down head first.ย  Mornings were a bit tough first but adding a sun salutation really changes the flow

Day 22: Did 2 minutes of headstand and started practicing the scorpion pose again. My eye healed up ๐Ÿ™‚ .. 20 pushups. 5 were a bit lazy though..

Day 23: Another one done.. Im starting to feel good going into these.. I seem to have energy after..

Day 24: I feel relaxed.. Upside lotus added changed my hand position.. Have to go for the scorpion. Have to try at least..

Day 25 Sunday: Just a headstand and regular pushups.. Tired from dancing the night before..

Day 26: I went straight into it and started doing the upside lotus and bring both feet down then back up.. ( Posted late because of Salsa)

Day 27: Went up and after the minute mark I attempted the scorpion.. Success! If you don’t count the landing.. need to work on that.. Pushups were triangle hand shape.. Feeling good today.

Day 28: I can go into the headstand quite easy now.. so I added the scorpion..ย  I can put my arms in the position and bring my legs down.. I just have to use more balance once my head comes of the ground. Or I come crashing down..It’s very tricky but Ill get there.. My pushups are pushup/chaturanga now also..

Day 29:Chaturanga pushups followed by a headstand then followed by bringing my feet forward .. Half scorpion.. Then back up to adjust my hands.. to a Forearm stand.. with some practice this can lead to a handstand ..

Day 30: Nice and slow up .. Can feel my core working it.. an attempt of to do a forearm stand.. not soo good. wall saves me….. Slow Chaturanga pushups.. Felt the burn..