For 30 days I will be reading a chapter a day minimum .. I imagine once the story gets interesting reading a chapter a day will be easy.. It’s more to just get into the habit of reading again as my queue of books is over 10 books waiting to be read.

The book I am currently reading is called The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, a fantasy novel..  It started really interesting then slowed down quite a bit.. It seems to be picking up now so reading a chapter today was no problem..

My second book I haven’t picked out yet. I imagine once I start reading I’ll definitely be able to start this “mystery” book.

As I did before I’ll just keep updating this post till the 30 days have been reached.

Dec 1 . Day 1 : I’m not to sure what to type in here. Other than I read a chapter.. Also without giving the story away.. mm Well Ill have 29 more days to find something clever to write.

Day 2: Read two chapters before my Bachata class .. Definitely going to be carrying my book around. on Chapter 56. FYI.

Day 3: Met a friend at the cafe.. Ended up staying a bit more to read.. But not “The Name of the Wind” but ” The Count of Monte Cristo” on my phone. A story I think is amazing.. I just finished Chapter 5.. Poor Dante …

Day 4: Some tea kept me company tonight.. Read the Count before some salsa practice.. I really should put some time to sit down and read a book. Love the feel of a book . Not that I’m not accustomed to staring at my phone

Day 5: Read as I was waiting for some appetizers to finish.. Good to read and cook 😉

Day 6: I ended up across the city. Read a chapter on the LRT (Train)..

Day 7 : Sat down on the couch with a blanket and a youtube playist on. Read two chapters of NoW(the Name of the Wind). You think it would be easier to read more on a lazy Sunday.. But I’m lazy..

Day 8 Monday: Read a bit quicker tonight as I had a friend to meet. NoW is picking up nicely .. The  story is so much better when a pretty lady (love interest) is thrown in there..

Day 9: Was a wine and chess night.. Not a Xbox and tequila night ahaha.. Read a chapter and a half of the “Count” when I wasn’t in the game..
Good times for me.. Not Dante eheh

Day 10: Waited to meet up with someone at the local bookstore/Cafe.. She was a bit late which I took advantage. Read NoW.

Day 11: “It’s a T.V show I’m watching in segments.. If I can binge watch on Netflix , why can’t I binge read?” . This is what I tell myself as I read another chapter before some yoga.

Day 12 Friday:Before I head to a Christmas party I take the time to read and catch up on my cafe. NoW . One chapter.

Day 13: Spent the day with a friend but took a chapter in while she finished an application of some sort.

Day 14: Started to read my favorite “show” (NoW) at a nice cafe before a friend showed up ..

Day 15: I finish reading a chapter of NoW as I am attempting to write a blog..

Day 16: Dropped my sister off at a restaurant and found a cafe to “flip” through my phone. CoMC read .

Day 17 Wednesday: Read while I waited for a friend to finish a yoga class.. NoW seems to be picking up steam.

Day 18: Spent it almost passing out in bed. Some tea helped out a bit. NoW.

Day 19: Made a friend wait while I rushed through a chapter of NoW in my towel aha

Day 20 Saturday: She had taken her sweet time to get ready. So I sat down on her couch and read a chapter of NoW

Day 21: Spent the day as a passenger.. Luckily Dante kept me company today!

Day 22:Missed my yoga class and my friend was busy. Made some tea and read a couple of chapters in NoW..hmm. Maybe this was the better..

Day 23: Sat down and read a chapter in the kitchen.. Followed by some Monopoly(still in progress)

Day 24: Read at home before heading out for Christmas dinner

Day 25: A quick chapter read .. A bit difficult when you are tired.. But better now so I can sleep later .

Day 26: Was saved by a Secret Santa Gift today. The new book is called ” The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao” by Junot Diaz. I like his style.. Another book to add to the queue though..

*Seems My blog didn’t update. Day 27 and 28 are missing…*

Day 27 and 28 consisted of reading at home with tea in my hand on these cold days.

Day 29: She was on my mind but the book was another great distraction and is picking up steam. Might read a couple tomorrow..Maybe even try to finish it.

Day 30: I read and read until my eyes became heavy. If I did not have yoga tomorrow , reading would be my indulgence for the evening. I am excited to read tomorrow after my class. Not everything starts fast and great.