My modem has been broken for the last week but here is the blog update on the challenges:
Since I started reading I have been compelled to read something (other than my book) everyday including the newspaper or other blogs .. Now Instead of (binge) watching a Netflix show I’ll play some music from Spotify and enjoy reading a couple chapters. The Challenge is finished but I find myself always carrying my book around. Mostly to find out about Kvothe in  Name of the Wind.

I am eager to read the second book of The Lightbringer series written by Brent Weeks, but that will have to wait until I finish the next book called “Under Heaven” by Guy Gavriel Kay.

One thing that helped was the music and tea as it helped me focus on reading . The music was mostly instrumental .. Something that wouldn’t distract me . The tea was to keep me awake on the slow parts of the book.

Having an app with free books to read also helped when I had to wait for someone or had a break during the day..

It’s hard creating any habit.. but you just have to remind yourself why you are doing it.. In this case it was just to remind myself that T.V and Video games aren’t the only form of entertainment. .. anyways..


Link of my updates: