I have been doing Ashtanga for the last few days and typing it down on my Word. Thought I would put it here instead.. More of a drive to prove myself..

As usual Ill just update this post till the 30 Day mark is reached. Also if I miss one I will try to do two a day.. Hopefully one is a Yin class….


Day 1 Monday: Went to a class in the evening.  LED Class went great. Still have to work on those binds.

Day 2: Evening MySore Class.. Essentially you go there and go at your pace. Definitely needed the sheet for the primary series.

Day 3: Morning MySore Class.. Still was a bit stiff from the evening before. Had to do it in the morning since I had tango in the same time slot.. Went well. The teacher/helper said I had an excellent backbend . She helped a bit on the backbend to standing position.. A first for me.

Day 4 Thursday: Morning MySore. Class went great. Backbend to standing back to the backbend. 3x. .. Feel a bit stiff on my back.. It feels like I should always be sitting straight. Don’t mind it though..

Day 5: Led Primary Evening class.. I quite enjoyed it as she took her time going through all the moves .. and I was sore.. I still have to work on memorizing the moves..

Day 6: Did not go.. It conflicted with my dance schedule.. plus Im still sore from doing a “excerscise/Dance/tone” class  on Thursday. Will have to do two tomorrow or most likely Monday.

Day 7: Missed. Stayed relaxing and saw loved ones.. Regret nothing. Will have to make it up during the week or add more days to the challenge. Did surya namaskara a & b only in the morning.

Day 8: Evening LED. I came a bit late missed the first salutation .. Those binds are still out of my grip… Literally … eheh

Day 9 Tuesday: Morning LED. Still working on the bindings.. Came up a bit fast on the backward bend. Felt a pinch but it went away after. Have to take my time ..

Day 10: Self MySore Morning. Still working on the breathing and memorizing the moves..

Day 11: Self Mysore Morning. The binds always escape me.. I twist as much as i can.. my hands don’t want to wrap around. Also It seems evening classes feel better as my muscles are more loose by then.. I followed this video… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT4MS4zHZQA

Day 12 Friday: MySore Evening. A bit sore but not too bad.. Friday classes are always more focused on breathing ..

Day 13 Saturday: Missed and sore.. Thursdays (for the next 4 more) always kill me because of a dance/tone /stretch class. On Saturday my muscles are sore.. Will add the missing (rest)days at the end and do extra yoga classes.

Day 14: MySore Afternoon. I feel I am getting better at the binds.. Getting my hands closer and closer..

Day 15: Evening LED. My down dog needs to be more refined.. I do it but without flexing.. have to get better .

Day 16: Daytime MySore. It’s interesting how small things distract you but with some breathing you focus better.

Day17:Late Night MySore. Downward dog was very easy to do. Maybe because I used my muscles all day.. My Lower Lumbar is a bit sore after.. Might be from all the years of carrying heavy objects.. I’ll try to flex more on the poses..

Day 18: Late Night MySore. Felt great.. I tried to adjust ( my postures) quicker and slower depending on my breathe. For most part I kept it at an even (4 counts) pace.

Day 19 Friday: Missed.. Thats 3 now…

Day 20: Missed.. 4now

Day 21: Late night Mysore. I felt more energetic since I have missed the last two days…

Day 22: My Sore Evening. I haven’t practiced around people in a while. It’s interesting to hear peoples breathing.. I personally like extending my breathes but taking short ones makes for quicker transitions and flow..

Day 23: My Sore Late. Definitely needed this. Was a bit stressful today and a little breathing goes a long way.. I am moving my shoulder blades more closer together to work the binds… It’s getting there…

Day 24: My Sore Morning. It was a beginner Yoga video I used as reference .. I didn’t mind as I was a bit tired from yesterday.. I really had energy for most of the day..   Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wYN1IhnXT4

Day 25: MySore Morning. Feels good to do it in the morning..  I started flexing my abs more in most of the postures.. It feels much more easier to hold the poses. Specifically the binds…But I definitely have to wake up earlier.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUgtMaAZzW0

Day 26 Friday: Missed ..5

Day 27: MySore. Used this as reference.. Only went up to the binds before The closing sequence.. http://www.drishtiqyoga.com/pages/news/image/section-image/primary-series-sequence-13.jpg28

Day 28: Missed ..6

Day 29 Monday: MySore evening. The teacher helped me with the binds. I can do them I just have to find a way to do them myself.. I felt better taking that day off. Much more stronger..

Day 30:Early Evening. My shoulders are a bit sore from yesterday.  Have to keep working on them so I can do better binds and have a better posture…


6 classes missed ..  So 6 I will keep going..