
Paso a Paso

Dance, Change & Woman


30 Day Challenges

Out of the 30 days only 24 days were complete. I have a 15 class pass I intend to use to do these “missing” classes..



When I missed them I felt guilty as I had done something shameful.. But then came the reasons why.. A friends car broke down, Spending extra time dancing, catching up with friends and family, work, and just running out of time on the weekends. Eventually that feeling faded, I accepted that everyday was not a possibility. I felt happy and relaxed knowing that Monday would be a day I could start fresh and prepared.


At first I was a bit in pain around my lower back and hamstrings. My shoulders over the years (of physical labour) have hunched forward a bit. It was/is a bit awkward to re-align my shoulders back but it is key to the binds and looking good in dancing ehe. My hamstrings felt fine after a few days but my lower back pain would always come back.. Once I realized the core was essential to many of the poses the lower back faded away in the next couple of days.

Conclusion on 30 Days(sorta) of yoga:

I feel comfortable and humbled on the later poses. From Marichyasana C (Binding posture) to Kukkutasana (lifting lotus through hands?) I feel like a fish out of water trying to breathe. aha. At first I thought my body couldn’t even move like that, but as I practiced more and realized it was just a matter of time before I could grasp my hands in a bind. Even my downward dog became more pronounced (shoulders back). My core became stronger making my postures longer and more intense.  It felt like starting all over again but in a good way.. In a new light.

Though I missed some classes I felt stronger doing Utthita Parsvasahita (standing leg hold to the side). I felt guilty but soon realized you can’t expect everything to go your way. Classes can’t be taught around one persons schedule. As long as the intention to commit is there, a missing day or two isn’t the end of the world.




Link to challenge updates: not exciting..

Ashtanga Yoga 30 Day Challenge

I have been doing Ashtanga for the last few days and typing it down on my Word. Thought I would put it here instead.. More of a drive to prove myself..

As usual Ill just update this post till the 30 Day mark is reached. Also if I miss one I will try to do two a day.. Hopefully one is a Yin class….


Day 1 Monday: Went to a class in the evening.  LED Class went great. Still have to work on those binds.

Day 2: Evening MySore Class.. Essentially you go there and go at your pace. Definitely needed the sheet for the primary series.

Day 3: Morning MySore Class.. Still was a bit stiff from the evening before. Had to do it in the morning since I had tango in the same time slot.. Went well. The teacher/helper said I had an excellent backbend . She helped a bit on the backbend to standing position.. A first for me.

Day 4 Thursday: Morning MySore. Class went great. Backbend to standing back to the backbend. 3x. .. Feel a bit stiff on my back.. It feels like I should always be sitting straight. Don’t mind it though..

Day 5: Led Primary Evening class.. I quite enjoyed it as she took her time going through all the moves .. and I was sore.. I still have to work on memorizing the moves..

Day 6: Did not go.. It conflicted with my dance schedule.. plus Im still sore from doing a “excerscise/Dance/tone” class  on Thursday. Will have to do two tomorrow or most likely Monday.

Day 7: Missed. Stayed relaxing and saw loved ones.. Regret nothing. Will have to make it up during the week or add more days to the challenge. Did surya namaskara a & b only in the morning.

Day 8: Evening LED. I came a bit late missed the first salutation .. Those binds are still out of my grip… Literally … eheh

Day 9 Tuesday: Morning LED. Still working on the bindings.. Came up a bit fast on the backward bend. Felt a pinch but it went away after. Have to take my time ..

Day 10: Self MySore Morning. Still working on the breathing and memorizing the moves..

Day 11: Self Mysore Morning. The binds always escape me.. I twist as much as i can.. my hands don’t want to wrap around. Also It seems evening classes feel better as my muscles are more loose by then.. I followed this video…

Day 12 Friday: MySore Evening. A bit sore but not too bad.. Friday classes are always more focused on breathing ..

Day 13 Saturday: Missed and sore.. Thursdays (for the next 4 more) always kill me because of a dance/tone /stretch class. On Saturday my muscles are sore.. Will add the missing (rest)days at the end and do extra yoga classes.

Day 14: MySore Afternoon. I feel I am getting better at the binds.. Getting my hands closer and closer..

Day 15: Evening LED. My down dog needs to be more refined.. I do it but without flexing.. have to get better .

Day 16: Daytime MySore. It’s interesting how small things distract you but with some breathing you focus better.

Day17:Late Night MySore. Downward dog was very easy to do. Maybe because I used my muscles all day.. My Lower Lumbar is a bit sore after.. Might be from all the years of carrying heavy objects.. I’ll try to flex more on the poses..

Day 18: Late Night MySore. Felt great.. I tried to adjust ( my postures) quicker and slower depending on my breathe. For most part I kept it at an even (4 counts) pace.

Day 19 Friday: Missed.. Thats 3 now…

Day 20: Missed.. 4now

Day 21: Late night Mysore. I felt more energetic since I have missed the last two days…

Day 22: My Sore Evening. I haven’t practiced around people in a while. It’s interesting to hear peoples breathing.. I personally like extending my breathes but taking short ones makes for quicker transitions and flow..

Day 23: My Sore Late. Definitely needed this. Was a bit stressful today and a little breathing goes a long way.. I am moving my shoulder blades more closer together to work the binds… It’s getting there…

Day 24: My Sore Morning. It was a beginner Yoga video I used as reference .. I didn’t mind as I was a bit tired from yesterday.. I really had energy for most of the day..   Here’s the link:

Day 25: MySore Morning. Feels good to do it in the morning..  I started flexing my abs more in most of the postures.. It feels much more easier to hold the poses. Specifically the binds…But I definitely have to wake up earlier..

Day 26 Friday: Missed ..5

Day 27: MySore. Used this as reference.. Only went up to the binds before The closing sequence..

Day 28: Missed ..6

Day 29 Monday: MySore evening. The teacher helped me with the binds. I can do them I just have to find a way to do them myself.. I felt better taking that day off. Much more stronger..

Day 30:Early Evening. My shoulders are a bit sore from yesterday.  Have to keep working on them so I can do better binds and have a better posture…


6 classes missed ..  So 6 I will keep going..

Reading Challenge Completion

My modem has been broken for the last week but here is the blog update on the challenges:
Since I started reading I have been compelled to read something (other than my book) everyday including the newspaper or other blogs .. Now Instead of (binge) watching a Netflix show I’ll play some music from Spotify and enjoy reading a couple chapters. The Challenge is finished but I find myself always carrying my book around. Mostly to find out about Kvothe in  Name of the Wind.

I am eager to read the second book of The Lightbringer series written by Brent Weeks, but that will have to wait until I finish the next book called “Under Heaven” by Guy Gavriel Kay.

One thing that helped was the music and tea as it helped me focus on reading . The music was mostly instrumental .. Something that wouldn’t distract me . The tea was to keep me awake on the slow parts of the book.

Having an app with free books to read also helped when I had to wait for someone or had a break during the day..

It’s hard creating any habit.. but you just have to remind yourself why you are doing it.. In this case it was just to remind myself that T.V and Video games aren’t the only form of entertainment. .. anyways..


Link of my updates:


Smile Challenge

I thought I would send a joke to a friend everyday at noon. I know sometimes people stress out and sometimes it helps to laugh.. Even at a terrible joke…… Terribly funny ahaha

I’ll put the jokes here also so you can shake your head in laughter or shame aha

Day 1 : Dwarfs and midgets have very little in common.-  Replies with “they really do”  aha I have a chuckle at the joke myself.

Day 2 : Instead of “the John,” I call my toilet “the Jim.” That way it sounds better when I say I go to the Jim first thing every morning.

Day 3: My friend thinks he is smart He told me an onion is the only fruit that makes you cry, so I threw a coconut at his face.

Day 4:  Q: Did you hear about the hungry clock? – A: It went back for seconds.

Day 5: I once farted in an elevator, it was so wrong on so many levels.

            A plateau is the highest form of flattery :3  . I thought I would send two jokes today.
Day 6: She had decided to spend the day with me.. so this joke is just for the reader now..
What does a nosey pepper do? Get jalapeño business.
Day 7: I was wondering why does a Frisbee appear larger the closer it gets.. Then it hit me.
Day 8 Monday: Want to read two short jokes and a long joke?  Joke. Joke. Jooooooooooookkkeeeee. She enjoys this one
Day 9: Don’t you hate it when someone answers their own question? I do.
Day 10: There are 3 kind of people in this world.. Those who can count and those who can’t.
Day 11: Question: Why did the poor man sell yeast? Answer: To raise some dough!  .  Hahaha worst one so far I think.. She agreed but we chatted after..
Day 12: Any salad can be a Caesar salad if you stab it enough
Day 13: A blind man walks into a bar.. A table , a chair…..  Spent the day with her but I sent her a joke even though she was beside me.. She said the jokes are getting worse ..eheh. I take it as a compliment
Day 14: Why was the thirsty alien hanging around the computer?… Because… He was looking for the space bar!  Lucky a friend told me before my salsa class started.
Day 15: What do you call a chic ant? …. Elegant.. She likes this one a lot and we text a bit more after.. hmm
Day 16: Whats the hardest part of skydiving? . The ground… ehehehe
Day 17: What do you call a fake noodle? An Impasta!
Day 18: How do you make a Venetian blind? …… Stick a finger in his eye.
Day 19: What did the mother Buffalo say when her boy left for school? Bye-son!
Day 20 Saturday: What did the psychiatrist say when a man wearing nothing but saran wrap walked into his office? I can see you’re clearly nuts!
Day 21: Who ever invented the “Knock- Knock jokes” should get a “No-bell prize”
Day 22: A Mexican magician told his audience he’d disappear on the count of three. He began counting “Uno, dos…” And he disappeared without a tres.
Day 23:My vacuum broke in the middle of cleaning and I can’t tell if the situation sucks or not.
Day 24: Did I tell you the joke about the filthy window? (No) Ah never mind. It’s too dirty to tell.
Day 25: Why did the tomato blush? .. It saw the salad dressing.
Day 26: How do you drown a Hipster? By throwing them into the mainstream.
Day 27: What did one hat say to another? .. You stay here, I’ll go on a head!
Day 28: Why were the elephants kicked out of the pool? Because they kept dropping their trunks!
Day 29:Why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil? Because it’s pointless
Day 30: What do Eskimos get from sitting on the ice too long? Polaroids!
BONUS: What do you call a guy who never farts in public? A private tutor!

Reading Challenge

For 30 days I will be reading a chapter a day minimum .. I imagine once the story gets interesting reading a chapter a day will be easy.. It’s more to just get into the habit of reading again as my queue of books is over 10 books waiting to be read.

The book I am currently reading is called The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, a fantasy novel..  It started really interesting then slowed down quite a bit.. It seems to be picking up now so reading a chapter today was no problem..

My second book I haven’t picked out yet. I imagine once I start reading I’ll definitely be able to start this “mystery” book.

As I did before I’ll just keep updating this post till the 30 days have been reached.

Dec 1 . Day 1 : I’m not to sure what to type in here. Other than I read a chapter.. Also without giving the story away.. mm Well Ill have 29 more days to find something clever to write.

Day 2: Read two chapters before my Bachata class .. Definitely going to be carrying my book around. on Chapter 56. FYI.

Day 3: Met a friend at the cafe.. Ended up staying a bit more to read.. But not “The Name of the Wind” but ” The Count of Monte Cristo” on my phone. A story I think is amazing.. I just finished Chapter 5.. Poor Dante …

Day 4: Some tea kept me company tonight.. Read the Count before some salsa practice.. I really should put some time to sit down and read a book. Love the feel of a book . Not that I’m not accustomed to staring at my phone

Day 5: Read as I was waiting for some appetizers to finish.. Good to read and cook 😉

Day 6: I ended up across the city. Read a chapter on the LRT (Train)..

Day 7 : Sat down on the couch with a blanket and a youtube playist on. Read two chapters of NoW(the Name of the Wind). You think it would be easier to read more on a lazy Sunday.. But I’m lazy..

Day 8 Monday: Read a bit quicker tonight as I had a friend to meet. NoW is picking up nicely .. The  story is so much better when a pretty lady (love interest) is thrown in there..

Day 9: Was a wine and chess night.. Not a Xbox and tequila night ahaha.. Read a chapter and a half of the “Count” when I wasn’t in the game..
Good times for me.. Not Dante eheh

Day 10: Waited to meet up with someone at the local bookstore/Cafe.. She was a bit late which I took advantage. Read NoW.

Day 11: “It’s a T.V show I’m watching in segments.. If I can binge watch on Netflix , why can’t I binge read?” . This is what I tell myself as I read another chapter before some yoga.

Day 12 Friday:Before I head to a Christmas party I take the time to read and catch up on my cafe. NoW . One chapter.

Day 13: Spent the day with a friend but took a chapter in while she finished an application of some sort.

Day 14: Started to read my favorite “show” (NoW) at a nice cafe before a friend showed up ..

Day 15: I finish reading a chapter of NoW as I am attempting to write a blog..

Day 16: Dropped my sister off at a restaurant and found a cafe to “flip” through my phone. CoMC read .

Day 17 Wednesday: Read while I waited for a friend to finish a yoga class.. NoW seems to be picking up steam.

Day 18: Spent it almost passing out in bed. Some tea helped out a bit. NoW.

Day 19: Made a friend wait while I rushed through a chapter of NoW in my towel aha

Day 20 Saturday: She had taken her sweet time to get ready. So I sat down on her couch and read a chapter of NoW

Day 21: Spent the day as a passenger.. Luckily Dante kept me company today!

Day 22:Missed my yoga class and my friend was busy. Made some tea and read a couple of chapters in NoW..hmm. Maybe this was the better..

Day 23: Sat down and read a chapter in the kitchen.. Followed by some Monopoly(still in progress)

Day 24: Read at home before heading out for Christmas dinner

Day 25: A quick chapter read .. A bit difficult when you are tired.. But better now so I can sleep later .

Day 26: Was saved by a Secret Santa Gift today. The new book is called ” The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao” by Junot Diaz. I like his style.. Another book to add to the queue though..

*Seems My blog didn’t update. Day 27 and 28 are missing…*

Day 27 and 28 consisted of reading at home with tea in my hand on these cold days.

Day 29: She was on my mind but the book was another great distraction and is picking up steam. Might read a couple tomorrow..Maybe even try to finish it.

Day 30: I read and read until my eyes became heavy. If I did not have yoga tomorrow , reading would be my indulgence for the evening. I am excited to read tomorrow after my class. Not everything starts fast and great.

I still haven’t learned how to put this under the different categories..

I thought I would start today since I recently started going to yoga again.

It’s simple.. 30 Days… 30 minutes of headstands.. 1 full minute in the position.

Pushups will only be 10 slow full pushups.. A total of 300.
This is a simple challenge that should help my memory also.

I will be updating this same blog as not to put 30 different entries.

OCT 30

Day 1: Went right into as soon as I got out of the shower. Not naked aha. Felt fine. The pushup right after felt a little tough for some reason.

Day 2: I went up and immediately went down. My balance felt off.. Maybe it was the week catching up… Definitely felt humbled after.. added a Child’s pose after the pushups…ohhhh. .. Tomorrows another day..

Day 3: Still felt a bit awkward going up.. I can definitely feel my core working out.. Push-ups were nice and slow.. Might change it to triangle pushups.

Day 4: Longest minute of my life aha.. Felt good after.

Day 5 Monday: Nice and slow pushups at a 90 degrees and elbows in.. Today after the minute headstand I went into.. Upside down lotus for a few seconds. Felt natural to try it..  🙂

Day 6: Another great headstand and pushups..

Day 7 Wednesday: Every Wednesday I go to do Yoga at a studio. Do a headstand there and one at home. Following the pushups.. The pushups were surprisingly harder.. I almost forgot but luckily a friend reminded before midnight 🙂

Day 8: Missed the headstands but did the pushups..will do 2minutes consecutive tomorrow.

Day 9: I missed the 2 minute mark and went 2:30mins. I was focused too much on the breathing.. interesting .. pushups were brutal today. Tried the triangle ..

Day 10: Got home sad but eager for the headstand.. It helped me think straight and the pushups made me focus more.

Day 11 Sunday: Almost lost my concentration.. farted a little ahah. Well That means I’m using my core. aha.. Pushups woke me up some more.. or maybe the tea kicking in.

Day 12: Something happened today.. I was in the zone.. I lost track of time and stayed there..  Slowly went into a backward bend.. Didn’t fight it. Eventually into the Wheel.. It was interesting to say the least..

Day 13: 2 minutes upside felt right. Scorpion to lotus and back .. Nice and slowly.. Started putting my hands close to triangle shape to do pushups.. 🙂

Day 14: Did the headstand then tried to do the full Scorpion .  Knees came crashing down and cut it bad on my right.. It’s fine.. Tomorrow is another day..

Day 15: She keeps trying to distract me but all she does is make me try harder. Added the Scorpion against the wall. Still in a bit of pain from yesterday. Pushups did them extra slow and added one Salutation.. I’m content today… Oh and half way there.. 😀

Day 16: Did a headstand in front of the guys.. It was the only time I could do it..  They were impressed nonetheless .

Day 17 Saturday: It was a bit harder today as I have been out and about these past few days. Lots of dancing.. Headstand is a headstand..

Day 18: Did 2 headstands today. Felt great !

Day 19 & 20 : Funny how I do the headstands whenever I wake up so I don’t forget.. Yet I forget to blog it.. ahah! One step at a time I guess ahah

Day 21: Woke up , Got up, went down head first.  Mornings were a bit tough first but adding a sun salutation really changes the flow

Day 22: Did 2 minutes of headstand and started practicing the scorpion pose again. My eye healed up 🙂 .. 20 pushups. 5 were a bit lazy though..

Day 23: Another one done.. Im starting to feel good going into these.. I seem to have energy after..

Day 24: I feel relaxed.. Upside lotus added changed my hand position.. Have to go for the scorpion. Have to try at least..

Day 25 Sunday: Just a headstand and regular pushups.. Tired from dancing the night before..

Day 26: I went straight into it and started doing the upside lotus and bring both feet down then back up.. ( Posted late because of Salsa)

Day 27: Went up and after the minute mark I attempted the scorpion.. Success! If you don’t count the landing.. need to work on that.. Pushups were triangle hand shape.. Feeling good today.

Day 28: I can go into the headstand quite easy now.. so I added the scorpion..  I can put my arms in the position and bring my legs down.. I just have to use more balance once my head comes of the ground. Or I come crashing down..It’s very tricky but Ill get there.. My pushups are pushup/chaturanga now also..

Day 29:Chaturanga pushups followed by a headstand then followed by bringing my feet forward .. Half scorpion.. Then back up to adjust my hands.. to a Forearm stand.. with some practice this can lead to a handstand ..

Day 30: Nice and slow up .. Can feel my core working it.. an attempt of to do a forearm stand.. not soo good. wall saves me….. Slow Chaturanga pushups.. Felt the burn..

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